Dear Parents
Cake Sale
We will be holding a cake sale on Wednesday 17th October to raise money towards resources for the Nursery & Daisy Room. We will be sending out paper plates for your contributions nearer to the time.
Wraparound Care Bills
You should receive your first bill via email this week. Bills for Wraparound Care and lunches are sent out by email at the beginning of each month in advance, with the exception of September which will be on October’s bill. All bills after this will be sent on the 1st of the month. You can pay by bank transfer, cheque, cash or workplace childcare vouchers. If you need our childcare provider details to set up vouchers, please come and ask in the Office.
School Fund
Thank you for your donations, Daisy Room & Nursery are both participating.
Please inform the office if your child is unwell and unable to attend or if you are intending to take holiday. If your child stays for lunch and won’t be attending please inform the office by 9.15 a.m.
Mobile Phones
It is very important that we are able to contact you, please ensure you have your phone on whilst your child is at nursery so we are able to contact you if necessary.
A reminder to all parents, to ensure the safety of all children doors must NOT be held open. Do not allow any child to leave the nursery unaccompanied.
Faye Hall
Administration Assistant
Save the Date
(Please note: dates and times may be subject to change. Newly added or altered dates will appear in red)
Autumn Term 2018 | |
September | |
Tuesday 4 |
Staff Training day |
October | |
Wednesday 17 | Cake Sale |
Friday 19 | Staff Training Day (Nursery closed) |
Monday 22-Friday 26 | Half Term (Nursery closed) |
December | |
Wednesday 19 | Autumn Term Closes |
Spring Term 2019 | |
January |
Thursday 3 |
Staff Training day (Nursery closed) |
Friday 4 | Term starts |
February | |
Monday 18 – Friday 22 | Half term (Nursery closed) |
April | |
Friday 5 | Spring Term Closes |
Summer Term | |
April | |
Tuesday 23 | Term Starts |
May | |
Monday 6 | May Day Bank Holiday (Nursery closed) |
Monday 27 – Friday 31 | Half Term (Nursery closed) |
June | |
Monday 3 | Staff Training Day (Nursery closed) |
July | |
Tuesday 23 | Summer Term closes |
Wednesday 24 | Staff Training Day (Nursery closed) |
Please note that the Nursery is closed on Staff Training Days.